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Title | Starts | Ends | Official URL | Hashtag |
Eat a Red Apple Day 2023 | 01-Dec-23 | 01-Dec-23 | #eataredappleday | |
Decembeard 2023 | 01-Dec-23 | 31-Dec-23 | #decembeard | |
Safe Toys & Gifts Month 2023 | 01-Dec-23 | 31-Dec-23 | #safetoys&giftsmonth | |
Tree Dressing Day 2023 | 01-Dec-23 | 02-Dec-23 | #treedressingday | |
National Grief Awareness Week 2023 | 02-Dec-23 | 08-Dec-23 | #nationalgriefawarenessweek | |
International Day for the Abolition of Slavery 2023 | 02-Dec-23 | 02-Dec-23 | #internationaldayfortheabolitionofslavery | |
International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023 | 03-Dec-23 | 03-Dec-23 | #internationaldayofpersonswithdisabilities | |
Illumination Street Week 2023 | 05-Dec-23 | 11-Dec-23 | #illuminationstreetweek | |
International Volunteers Day 2023 | 05-Dec-23 | 05-Dec-23 | #internationalvolunteersday | |
World Soil Day 2023 | 05-Dec-23 | 05-Dec-23 | #worldsoilday | |
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 2023 | 07-Dec-23 | 07-Dec-23 | #nationalpearlharborremembranceday | |
National Cotton Candy Day 2023 | 07-Dec-23 | 07-Dec-23 | #nationalcottoncandyday | |
International Civil Aviation Day 2023 | 07-Dec-23 | 07-Dec-23 | #internationalcivilaviationday | |
Christmas Jumper Day 2023 | 08-Dec-23 | 08-Dec-23 | #christmasjumperday | |
International Anti Corruption Day 2023 | 09-Dec-23 | 09-Dec-23 | #internationalanticorruptionday | |
International Animal Rights Day 2023 | 10-Dec-23 | 10-Dec-23 | #internationalanimalrightsday | |
National Lager Day 2023 | 10-Dec-23 | 10-Dec-23 | #nationallagerday | |
Human Rights Day 2023 | 10-Dec-23 | 10-Dec-23 | #humanrightsday | |
National Workplace Day of Remembrance 2023 | 12-Dec-23 | 12-Dec-23 | #nationalworkplacedayofremembrance | |
International Day of Neutrality 2023 | 12-Dec-23 | 12-Dec-23 | #internationaldayofneutrality | |
Pan American Aviation Day 2023 | 17-Dec-23 | 17-Dec-23 | #panamericanaviationday | |
Wright Brothers Day 2023 | 17-Dec-23 | 17-Dec-23 | #wrightbrothersday | |
National Maple Syrup Day 2023 | 17-Dec-23 | 17-Dec-23 | #nationalmaplesyrupday | |
National Roast Suckling Pig Day 2023 | 18-Dec-23 | 18-Dec-23 | #nationalroastsucklingpigday | |
International Migrants Day 2023 | 18-Dec-23 | 18-Dec-23 | #internationalmigrantsday | |
Arabic Language Day 2023 | 18-Dec-23 | 18-Dec-23 | #arabiclanguageday | |
Festival Of Winter Walks 2023 | 20-Dec-23 | 20-Dec-23 | #festivalofwinterwalks | |
International Human Solidarity Day 2023 | 20-Dec-23 | 20-Dec-23 | #internationalhumansolidarityday | |
Christmas Day 2023 | 25-Dec-23 | 25-Dec-23 | #christmasday | |
Kwanzaa 2023 | 26-Dec-23 | 26-Dec-23 | #kwanzaa | |
National Champagne Day 2023 | 31-Dec-23 | 31-Dec-23 | #nationalchampagneday | |
New Years Eve 2023 | 31-Dec-23 | 31-Dec-23 | #newyearseve | |
First Night in the USA 2023 | 31-Dec-23 | 31-Dec-23 | #firstnightintheusa |
☝️ UK Awareness Days December 2023 ☝️
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