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Title | Starts | Ends | Official URL | Hashtag |
National Mentoring Month 2023 | 01-Jan-23 | 31-Jan-23 | #nationalmentoringmonth | |
National Slavery & Human Trafficking Prevention Month 2023 | 01-Jan-23 | 31-Jan-23 | #nationalslavery&humantraffickingpreventionmonth | |
Veganuary 2023 | 01-Jan-23 | 31-Jan-23 | #veganuary | |
Walk Your Dog Month 2023 | 01-Jan-23 | 31-Jan-23 | #walkyourdogmonth | |
Dry January 2023 | 01-Jan-23 | 31-Jan-23 | #dryjanuary | |
Love Your Liver Month 2023 | 01-Jan-23 | 31-Jan-23 | #loveyourlivermonth | |
Festival Of Sleep Day 2023 | 03-Jan-23 | 03-Jan-23 | #festivalofsleepday | |
World Braille Day 2023 | 04-Jan-23 | 04-Jan-23 | #worldbrailleday | |
National Spaghetti Day 2023 | 04-Jan-23 | 04-Jan-23 | #nationalspaghettiday | |
Big Schools Birdwatch 2023 | 05-Jan-23 | 22-Jan-23 | #bigschoolsbirdwatch | |
National Shortbread Day 2023 | 06-Jan-23 | 06-Jan-23 | #nationalshortbreadday | |
National Sickie Day 2023 | 07-Jan-23 | 07-Jan-23 | #nationalsickieday | |
Houseplant Week UK 2023 | 10-Jan-23 | 16-Jan-23 | #houseplantweekuk | |
Paget's Awareness Day 2023 | 11-Jan-23 | 11-Jan-23 | #paget'sawarenessday | |
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day 2023 | 11-Jan-23 | 11-Jan-23 | #nationalhumantraffickingawarenessday | |
Kiss A Ginger Day 2023 | 12-Jan-23 | 12-Jan-23 | #kissagingerday | |
STIQ Day 2023 | 14-Jan-23 | 14-Jan-23 | #stiqday | |
National Religious Freedom Day 2023 | 16-Jan-23 | 16-Jan-23 | #nationalreligiousfreedomday | |
World Religion Day 2023 | 16-Jan-23 | 16-Jan-23 | #worldreligionday | |
Big Energy Saving Week 2023 | 17-Jan-23 | 23-Jan-23 | #bigenergysavingweek | |
Martin Luther King Day 2023 | 17-Jan-23 | 17-Jan-23 | #martinlutherkingday | |
Cervical Cancer Prevention Week 2023 | 17-Jan-23 | 23-Jan-23 | #cervicalcancerpreventionweek | |
Brew Monday 2023 | 17-Jan-23 | 17-Jan-23 | #brewmonday | |
Blue Monday 2023 | 17-Jan-23 | 17-Jan-23 | #bluemonday | |
Winnie The Pooh Day 2023 | 18-Jan-23 | 18-Jan-23 | #winniethepoohday | |
National Popcorn Day 2023 | 19-Jan-23 | 19-Jan-23 | #nationalpopcornday | |
Squirrel Appreciation Day 2023 | 21-Jan-23 | 21-Jan-23 | #squirrelappreciationday | |
National Hug Day 2023 | 21-Jan-23 | 21-Jan-23 | #nationalhugday | |
National Reading Day 2023 | 23-Jan-23 | 23-Jan-23 | #nationalreadingday | |
National Pie Day 2023 | 23-Jan-23 | 23-Jan-23 | #nationalpieday | |
Feast of Our Lady of Peace in Roman Catholic Church 2023 | 24-Jan-23 | 24-Jan-23 | #feastofourladyofpeaceinromancatholicchurch | |
National Peanut Butter Day 2023 | 24-Jan-23 | 24-Jan-23 | #nationalpeanutbutterday | |
Burns Night 2023 | 25-Jan-23 | 25-Jan-23 | #burnsnight | |
Australia Day 2023 | 26-Jan-23 | 26-Jan-23 | #australiaday | |
Holocaust Memorial Day 2023 | 27-Jan-23 | 27-Jan-23 | #holocaustmemorialday | |
Parent Mental Health Day 2023 | 27-Jan-23 | 27-Jan-23 | https:// parentmentalhealthday.co.uk/ | #parentmentalhealthday |
National Kazoo Day. | 28-Jan-23 | 28-Jan-23 | #nationalkazooday. | |
National Puzzle Day. | 29-Jan-23 | 29-Jan-23 | #nationalpuzzleday. | |
National Storytelling Week 2023 | 29-Jan-23 | 05-Feb-23 | #nationalstorytellingweek | |
National Croissant Day 2023 | 30-Jan-23 | 30-Jan-23 | #nationalcroissantday | |
National Draw A Dinosaur Day | 30-Jan-23 | 30-Jan-23 | #nationaldrawadinosaurday | |
World Leprosy Day 2023 | 30-Jan-23 | 30-Jan-23 | #worldleprosyday | |
National Backwards Day | 31-Jan-23 | 31-Jan-23 | #nationalbackwardsday | |
National Bug Busting Day 2023 | 31-Jan-23 | 31-Jan-23 | #nationalbugbustingday |
☝️ UK Awareness Days January 2023 ☝️
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