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Title | Starts | Ends | Official URL | Hashtag |
National Picnic Month 2023 | 01-Jul-23 | 31-Jul-23 | #nationalpicnicmonth | |
Group B Strep Support (GBSS) Awareness Month 2023 | 01-Jul-23 | 31-Jul-23 | #groupbstrepsupport(gbss)awarenessmonth | |
Plastic Free July 2023 | 01-Jul-23 | 31-Jul-23 | #plasticfreejuly | |
Canada Day 2023 | 01-Jul-23 | 01-Jul-23 | #canadaday | |
Wallace & Gromit's Wrong Trousers Day 2023 | 01-Jul-23 | 01-Jul-23 | #wallace&gromit'swrongtrousersday | |
Independent Retailer Month | 01-Jul-23 | 31-Jul-23 | #independentretailermonth | |
National Fishing Month 2023 | 01-Jul-23 | 31-Aug-23 | #nationalfishingmonth | |
Good Care Month 2023 | 01-Jul-23 | 31-Jul-23 | #goodcaremonth | |
Sarcoma Awareness Month 2023 | 01-Jul-23 | 31-Jul-23 | #sarcomaawarenessmonth | |
Global Enterprise Agility Month 2023 | 01-Jul-23 | 31-Jul-23 | #globalenterpriseagilitymonth | |
Clean Beaches Week 2023 | 01-Jul-23 | 07-Jul-23 | #cleanbeachesweek | |
International Reggae Day 2023 | 01-Jul-23 | 01-Jul-23 | #internationalreggaeday | |
Talk To Us 2023 | 01-Jul-23 | 31-Jul-23 | #talktous | |
International Plastic Bag Free Day 2023 | 03-Jul-23 | 03-Jul-23 | #internationalplasticbagfreeday | |
National Bereaved Parents Day 2023 | 03-Jul-23 | 03-Jul-23 | #nationalbereavedparentsday | |
National BBQ Week 2023 | 04-Jul-23 | 10-Jul-23 | #nationalbbqweek | |
National Tom Sawyer Day 2023 | 04-Jul-23 | 04-Jul-23 | #nationaltomsawyerday | |
Independence Day in the USA 2023 | 04-Jul-23 | 04-Jul-23 | #independencedayintheusa | |
International Kissing Day 2023 | 06-Jul-23 | 06-Jul-23 | #internationalkissingday | |
World Chocolate Day 2023 | 07-Jul-23 | 07-Jul-23 | #worldchocolateday | |
SPANA's World Tea Party 2023 | 08-Jul-23 | 08-Jul-23 | #spana'sworldteaparty | |
Don't Step on a Bee Day 2023 | 10-Jul-23 | 10-Jul-23 | #don'tsteponabeeday | |
World Population Day 2023 | 11-Jul-23 | 11-Jul-23 | #worldpopulationday | |
National Simplicity Day 2023 | 12-Jul-23 | 12-Jul-23 | #nationalsimplicityday | |
Social Media Giving Day 2023 | 15-Jul-23 | 15-Jul-23 | #socialmediagivingday | |
World Youth Skills Day 2023 | 15-Jul-23 | 15-Jul-23 | #worldyouthskillsday | |
Festival Of British Archaeology 2023 | 16-Jul-23 | 31-Jul-23 | #festivalofbritisharchaeology | |
World Emoji Day 2023 | 17-Jul-23 | 17-Jul-23 | #worldemojiday | |
World Day for International Justice 2023 | 17-Jul-23 | 17-Jul-23 | #worlddayforinternationaljustice | |
Black Leaders Awareness Day 2023 | 18-Jul-23 | 18-Jul-23 | #blackleadersawarenessday | |
National Daiquiri Day 2023 | 19-Jul-23 | 19-Jul-23 | #nationaldaiquiriday | |
National Lollipop Day 2023 | 20-Jul-23 | 20-Jul-23 | #nationallollipopday | |
National Hot Dog Day in the USA 2023 | 21-Jul-23 | 21-Jul-23 | #nationalhotdogdayintheusa | |
Ask an Archaeologist Day 2023 | 22-Jul-23 | 22-Jul-23 | #askanarchaeologistday | |
National Vanilla Ice Cream Day 2023 | 23-Jul-23 | 23-Jul-23 | #nationalvanillaicecreamday | |
National Marine Week 2023 | 23-Jul-23 | 07-Aug-23 | #nationalmarineweek | |
National Tequila Day 2023 | 24-Jul-23 | 24-Jul-23 | #nationaltequiladay | |
Parents' Day in the USA 2023 | 24-Jul-23 | 24-Jul-23 | #parents'dayintheusa | |
24/7 Samaritans Awareness Day/ The Big Listen 2023 | 24-Jul-23 | 24-Jul-23 | #24/7samaritansawarenessday/thebiglisten | |
National Preserving Awareness Week 2023 | 25-Jul-23 | 02-Aug-23 | lovejars.co.uk | #nationalpreservingawarenessweek |
National Schizophrenia Awareness Day 2023 | 25-Jul-23 | 25-Jul-23 | #nationalschizophreniaawarenessday | |
National Milk Chocolate Day 2023 | 28-Jul-23 | 28-Jul-23 | #nationalmilkchocolateday | |
World Hepatitis Day 2023 | 28-Jul-23 | 28-Jul-23 | #worldhepatitisday | |
A Day in Archaeology 2023 | 29-Jul-23 | 29-Jul-23 | #adayinarchaeology | |
International Tiger Day 2023 | 29-Jul-23 | 29-Jul-23 | #internationaltigerday | |
Love Parks Week 2023 | 29-Jul-23 | 05-Aug-23 | #loveparksweek | |
National Cheesecake Day 2023 | 30-Jul-23 | 30-Jul-23 | #nationalcheesecakeday | |
World Friendship Day / International Day Of Friendship 2023 | 30-Jul-23 | 30-Jul-23 | #worldfriendshipday/internationaldayoffriendship | |
World Day against Trafficking in Persons 2023 | 30-Jul-23 | 30-Jul-23 | #worlddayagainsttraffickinginpersons | |
Flag Day in Hawaii 2023 | 31-Jul-23 | 31-Jul-23 | #flagdayinhawaii |
☝️ UK Awareness Days July 2023 ☝️
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