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Title | Starts | Ends | Official URL | Hashtag |
Endo The Night 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | https://www.endometriosis-uk.org/endo-night | #endothenight |
Brain Injury Awareness Month 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | #braininjuryawarenessmonth | |
National Irish-American Heritage Month 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | #nationalirish-americanheritagemonth | |
Deep-Vein Thrombosis Awareness Month 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/500747_3 | #deep-veinthrombosisawarenessmonth |
National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | #nationalcolorectalcancerawarenessmonth | |
brain tumour awareness month 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | #braintumourawarenessmonth | |
Mustache March 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | #mustachemarch | |
Dechox 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | #dechox | |
National Bed Month 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | https://sleepcouncil.org.uk/ | #nationalbedmonth |
National Peanut Butter Lover's Day 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 01-Mar-23 | #nationalpeanutbutterlover'sday | |
National Nutrition Month 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | #nationalnutritionmonth | |
Marie Curie Great Daffodil Appeal 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | https://www.mariecurie.org.uk/daffodil | #mariecuriegreatdaffodilappeal |
Self Injury/Harm Awareness Day SIAD 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 01-Mar-23 | http://www.lifesigns.org.uk/siad/ | #selfinjury/harmawarenessdaysiad |
Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | https://www.nacdd.org | #developmentaldisabilitiesawarenessmonth |
Endometriosis Awareness Month 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | https://www.endometriosis-uk.org/events | #endometriosisawarenessmonth |
National Save Your Vision Month 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | #nationalsaveyourvisionmonth | |
Walk All Over Cancer 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | #walkallovercancer | |
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | #ovariancancerawarenessmonth | |
St David's Day 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 01-Mar-23 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_David%27s_Day | #stdavid'sday |
100 Miles In March For Mind 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 31-Mar-23 | #100milesinmarchformind | |
Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Day 2023 | 01-Mar-23 | 01-Mar-23 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shrove_Tuesday | #shrovetuesday/pancakeday |
National Old Stuff Day 2023 | 02-Mar-23 | 02-Mar-23 | #nationaloldstuffday | |
Read Across America Day / Dr Seuss Day 2023 | 02-Mar-23 | 02-Mar-23 | #readacrossamericaday/drseussday | |
World Hearing Day 2023 | 03-Mar-23 | 03-Mar-23 | https://www.who.int/campaigns/world-hearing-day | #worldhearingday |
University Mental Health Day 2023 | 03-Mar-23 | 03-Mar-23 | https://www.unimentalhealthday.co.uk/ | #universitymentalhealthday |
World Book Day 2023 | 03-Mar-23 | 03-Mar-23 | https://www.worldbookday.com/ | #worldbookday |
Endometriosis Awareness Week 2023 | 03-Mar-23 | 09-Mar-23 | https://endometriosis.org/support/support-groups/ | #endometriosisawarenessweek |
International HPV Awareness Day (IHAD) 2023 | 04-Mar-23 | 04-Mar-23 | http://www.askabouthpv.org | #internationalhpvawarenessday(ihad) |
Employee Appreciation Day 2023 | 04-Mar-23 | 04-Mar-23 | #employeeappreciationday | |
St Piran's Day 2023 | 05-Mar-23 | 05-Mar-23 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Piran%27s_Day | #stpiran'sday |
World Glaucoma Week 2023 | 06-Mar-23 | 12-Mar-23 | https://www.worldglaucomaweek.org/ | #worldglaucomaweek |
No More Week 2023 | 06-Mar-23 | 12-Mar-23 | https://uksaysnomore.org/ | #nomoreweek |
Dentist's Day in the USA 2023 | 06-Mar-23 | 06-Mar-23 | #dentist'sdayintheusa | |
International Parental Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 | 06-Mar-23 | 12-Mar-23 | #internationalparentalmentalhealthawarenessweek | |
National Careers Week 2023 | 07-Mar-23 | 12-Mar-23 | https://nationalcareersweek.com/ | #nationalcareersweek |
National Cereal Day 2023 | 07-Mar-23 | 07-Mar-23 | #nationalcerealday | |
National Butchers Week 2023 | 07-Mar-23 | 13-Mar-23 | https://www.nationalbutchersweek.co.uk/ | #nationalbutchersweek |
British Pie Week 2023 | 07-Mar-23 | 13-Mar-23 | #britishpieweek | |
Cultivation Street Week 2023 | 07-Mar-23 | 13-Mar-23 | www.cultivationstreet.com | #cultivationstreetweek |
National Feet Week 2023 | 07-Mar-23 | 13-Mar-23 | https://nationalfeetweek.org | #nationalfeetweek |
International Women's Day 2023 | 08-Mar-23 | 08-Mar-23 | #internationalwomen'sday | |
National No Smoking Day 2023 | 09-Mar-23 | 09-Mar-23 | #nationalnosmokingday | |
World Panic Day 2023 | 09-Mar-23 | 09-Mar-23 | #worldpanicday | |
World Kidney Day 2023 | 10-Mar-23 | 10-Mar-23 | https://worldkidneyday.co.uk/ | #worldkidneyday |
Social Prescribing Day 2023 | 10-Mar-23 | 10-Mar-23 | #socialprescribingday | |
Crufts 2023 | 10-Mar-23 | 13-Mar-23 | https://www.crufts.org.uk/tickets/ | #crufts |
International School Meals Day 2023 | 10-Mar-23 | 10-Mar-23 | http://internationalschoolmealsday.com/ | #internationalschoolmealsday |
British Science Week 2023 | 11-Mar-23 | 20-Mar-23 | https://www.britishscienceassociation.org/ | #britishscienceweek |
Programming for Primaries 2023 | 11-Mar-23 | 20-Mar-23 | #programmingforprimaries | |
Girl Scout Birthday in the USA 2023 | 12-Mar-23 | 12-Mar-23 | #girlscoutbirthdayintheusa | |
K9 Veterans Day 2023 | 13-Mar-23 | 13-Mar-23 | #k9veteransday | |
National Potato Chip Day 2023 | 14-Mar-23 | 14-Mar-23 | #nationalpotatochipday | |
Compost Week UK 2023 | 14-Mar-23 | 20-Mar-23 | www.daviddomoney.com/compost | #compostweekuk |
Healthcare Science Week 2023 | 14-Mar-23 | 20-Mar-23 | #healthcarescienceweek | |
World Salt Awareness Week 2023 | 14-Mar-23 | 20-Mar-23 | #worldsaltawarenessweek | |
Nutrition and Hydration Week 2023 | 14-Mar-23 | 20-Mar-23 | https://nutritionandhydrationweek.co.uk/ | #nutritionandhydrationweek |
Disabled Access Day 2023 | 16-Mar-23 | 16-Mar-23 | https://www.disabledaccessday.com/ | #disabledaccessday |
Brake Zebra's Beep Beep Day 2023 | 16-Mar-23 | 16-Mar-23 | brakezebras.org/beep | #brakezebra'sbeepbeepday |
Young Carers Action Day 2023 | 16-Mar-23 | 16-Mar-23 | #youngcarersactionday | |
St Patricks Day 2023 | 17-Mar-23 | 17-Mar-23 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Patrick%27s_Day | #stpatricksday |
Comic Relief / Red Nose Day 2023 | 18-Mar-23 | 18-Mar-23 | https://www.comicrelief.com/rednoseday/register/ | #comicrelief/rednoseday |
World Sleep Day 2023 | 18-Mar-23 | 18-Mar-23 | https://worldsleepday.org/toolkit | #worldsleepday |
Global Recycling Day 2023 | 18-Mar-23 | 18-Mar-23 | https://www.globalrecyclingday.com/ | #globalrecyclingday |
English Tourism Week 2023 | 18-Mar-23 | 27-Mar-23 | https://www.visitbritain.org/english-tourism-week | #englishtourismweek |
National Poultry Day 2023 | 19-Mar-23 | 19-Mar-23 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poultry_Days | #nationalpoultryday |
International Day of Happiness 2023 | 20-Mar-23 | 20-Mar-23 | http://www.un.org/en/events/happinessday/ | #internationaldayofhappiness |
National Native AIDS Awareness Day 2023 | 20-Mar-23 | 20-Mar-23 | #nationalnativeaidsawarenessday | |
Spring Equinox (First Day of Spring) 2023 | 20-Mar-23 | 20-Mar-23 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_equinox | #springequinox(firstdayofspring) |
National Ravioli Day 2023 | 20-Mar-23 | 20-Mar-23 | #nationalravioliday | |
National Complementary Therapy Week 2023 | 20-Mar-23 | 27-Mar-23 | #nationalcomplementarytherapyweek | |
World Oral Health Day 2023 | 20-Mar-23 | 20-Mar-23 | http://www.worldoralhealthday.org/ | #worldoralhealthday |
Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2023 | 21-Mar-23 | 27-Mar-23 | https://www.neurodiversityweek.com/ | #neurodiversitycelebrationweek |
World Down Syndrome Day 2023 | 21-Mar-23 | 21-Mar-23 | https://worlddownsyndromeday.org/about-wdsd | #worlddownsyndromeday |
International Day of Forests 2023 | 21-Mar-23 | 21-Mar-23 | http://www.un.org/en/events/forestsday/ | #internationaldayofforests |
World Poetry Day 2023 | 21-Mar-23 | 21-Mar-23 | http://www.un.org/en/events/poetryday/ | #worldpoetryday |
The Big Walk and Wheel 2023 - Previously The Big Pedal | 21-Mar-23 | 01-Apr-23 | https://bigpedal.org.uk/ | #thebigwalkandwheel-previouslythebigpedal |
National French Bread Day 2023 | 21-Mar-23 | 21-Mar-23 | #nationalfrenchbreadday | |
Debt Awareness Week 2023 | 21-Mar-23 | 27-Mar-23 | https://www.stepchange.org/debt-awareness-week | #debtawarenessweek |
World Water Day 2023 | 22-Mar-23 | 22-Mar-23 | http://www.worldwaterday.org/ | #worldwaterday |
Tick Bite Prevention Week 2023 | 22-Mar-23 | 28-Mar-23 | #tickbitepreventionweek | |
National Day Of Reflection 2023 | 23-Mar-23 | 23-Mar-23 | #nationaldayofreflection | |
National Chip and Dip Day 2023 | 23-Mar-23 | 23-Mar-23 | #nationalchipanddipday | |
World Meteorological Day 2023 | 23-Mar-23 | 23-Mar-23 | #worldmeteorologicalday | |
World TB Day 2023 | 24-Mar-23 | 24-Mar-23 | http://www.stoptb.org/events/world_tb_day/ | #worldtbday |
The Great British Spring Clean 2023 | 25-Mar-23 | 10-Apr-23 | #thegreatbritishspringclean | |
FND Awareness Day 2023 | 25-Mar-23 | 25-Mar-23 | https://www.fndaction.org.uk/ | #fndawarenessday |
National Skipping Day 2023 | 25-Mar-23 | 25-Mar-23 | http://www.skipping-workshops.co.uk/ | #nationalskippingday |
Wear A Hat Day 2023 | 25-Mar-23 | 25-Mar-23 | #wearahatday | |
Purple Day 2023 | 26-Mar-23 | 26-Mar-23 | http://www.purpleday.org/aboutus | #purpleday |
Mothering Sunday 2023 | 27-Mar-23 | 27-Mar-23 | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mothering_Sunday | #motheringsunday |
World Theatre Day 2023 | 27-Mar-23 | 27-Mar-23 | https://www.world-theatre-day.org/ | #worldtheatreday |
World Autism Acceptance Week 2023 | 28-Mar-23 | 03-Apr-23 | #worldautismacceptanceweek | |
National Vietnam War Veterans Day in the USA 2023 | 29-Mar-23 | 29-Mar-23 | #nationalvietnamwarveteransdayintheusa | |
Family Safety Week 2023 | 30-Mar-23 | 03-Apr-23 | http://www.rospa.com/FamilySafetyWeek | #familysafetyweek |
World Bipolar Day 2023 | 30-Mar-23 | 30-Mar-23 | https://www.bipolaruk.org/bipolar-awareness-day | #worldbipolarday |
☝️ UK Awareness Days March 2023 ☝️
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