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Title | Starts | Ends | Official URL | Hashtag |
CMT Awareness Month (Charcot-Marie-Tooth) 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #cmtawarenessmonth(charcot-marie-tooth) | |
International Walk to School Month 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #internationalwalktoschoolmonth | |
Lupus Awareness Month 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #lupusawarenessmonth | |
National Bullying Prevention Month 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #nationalbullyingpreventionmonth | |
Eye Injury Prevention Month 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #eyeinjurypreventionmonth | |
The Big Draw 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #thebigdraw | |
Go Sober For October 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #gosoberforoctober | |
ADHD Awareness Month 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #adhdawarenessmonth | |
National Cholesterol Month 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #nationalcholesterolmonth | |
Black History Month 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #blackhistorymonth | |
International Day Of Older Persons 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 01-Oct-23 | #internationaldayofolderpersons | |
Pituitary Awareness Month 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #pituitaryawarenessmonth | |
International School Library Month 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #internationalschoollibrarymonth | |
International Babywearing Week 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #internationalbabywearingweek | |
National Cybersecurity Awareness Month 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #nationalcybersecurityawarenessmonth | |
Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #breastcancerawarenessmonth | |
International Coffee Day 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 01-Oct-23 | #internationalcoffeeday | |
World Vegetarian Day 2023 | 01-Oct-23 | 01-Oct-23 | #worldvegetarianday | |
The London Marathon 2023 | 02-Oct-23 | 02-Oct-23 | #thelondonmarathon | |
National Brunch Weekend 2023 | 02-Oct-23 | 03-Oct-23 | #nationalbrunchweekend | |
Cycle To School Week 2023 | 03-Oct-23 | 07-Oct-23 | #cycletoschoolweek | |
Child Health Day 2023 | 03-Oct-23 | 03-Oct-23 | #childhealthday | |
Dyslexia Awareness Week 2023 | 03-Oct-23 | 09-Oct-23 | #dyslexiaawarenessweek | |
Bullying Prevention Awareness Day USA 2023 | 03-Oct-23 | 03-Oct-23 | #bullyingpreventionawarenessdayusa | |
Backcare Awareness Week 2023 | 03-Oct-23 | 07-Oct-23 | #backcareawarenessweek | |
The Children's Trust / Humphreys Pyjama Week 2023 | 03-Oct-23 | 07-Oct-23 | #thechildren'strust/humphreyspyjamaweek | |
National Curry Week 2023 | 03-Oct-23 | 09-Oct-23 | #nationalcurryweek | |
Public Health Workforce Week 2023 | 03-Oct-23 | 07-Oct-23 | #publichealthworkforceweek | |
National Baby Swimming Week 2023 | 03-Oct-23 | 09-Oct-23 | #nationalbabyswimmingweek | |
World Habitat Day 2023 | 03-Oct-23 | 03-Oct-23 | #worldhabitatday | |
National Hygiene Week 2023 | 03-Oct-23 | 09-Oct-23 | #nationalhygieneweek | |
No Disposable Cup Day 2023 | 04-Oct-23 | 04-Oct-23 | #nodisposablecupday | |
National Vodka Day in the USA 2023 | 04-Oct-23 | 04-Oct-23 | #nationalvodkadayintheusa | |
National Taco Day 2023 | 04-Oct-23 | 04-Oct-23 | #nationaltacoday | |
World Animal Day 2023 | 04-Oct-23 | 04-Oct-23 | #worldanimalday | |
World Space Week 2023 | 04-Oct-23 | 10-Oct-23 | #worldspaceweek | |
World Teachers Day 2023 | 05-Oct-23 | 05-Oct-23 | #worldteachersday | |
World Dyslexia Awareness Day 2023 | 06-Oct-23 | 06-Oct-23 | #worlddyslexiaawarenessday | |
National Poetry Day 2023 | 06-Oct-23 | 06-Oct-23 | #nationalpoetryday | |
National Badger Day 2023 | 06-Oct-23 | 06-Oct-23 | #nationalbadgerday | |
World Smile Day 2023 | 07-Oct-23 | 07-Oct-23 | #worldsmileday | |
Wakey Wakey Hospice Day 2023 | 07-Oct-23 | 07-Oct-23 | #wakeywakeyhospiceday | |
Boycott Your Bed 2023 | 07-Oct-23 | 07-Oct-23 | #boycottyourbed | |
Lee National Denim Day in the USA 2023 | 07-Oct-23 | 07-Oct-23 | #leenationaldenimdayintheusa | |
National Arthritis Week 2023 | 07-Oct-23 | 13-Oct-23 | #nationalarthritisweek | |
Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness Day USA 2023 | 07-Oct-23 | 07-Oct-23 | #trigeminalneuralgiaawarenessdayusa | |
World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 2023 | 08-Oct-23 | 08-Oct-23 | #worldhospiceandpalliativecareday | |
World Post Day 2023 | 09-Oct-23 | 09-Oct-23 | #worldpostday | |
International Astronomy Day 2023 | 09-Oct-23 | 09-Oct-23 | #internationalastronomyday | |
Baby Loss Awareness Week 2023 | 09-Oct-23 | 15-Oct-23 | #babylossawarenessweek | |
Dyspraxia Awareness Week 2023 | 09-Oct-23 | 15-Oct-23 | #dyspraxiaawarenessweek | |
Sexual Health Week 2023 | 10-Oct-23 | 16-Oct-23 | #sexualhealthweek | |
National Porridge Week 2023 | 10-Oct-23 | 16-Oct-23 | #nationalporridgeweek | |
National Work Life Week 2023 | 10-Oct-23 | 14-Oct-23 | #nationalworklifeweek | |
National Braille Week 2023 | 10-Oct-23 | 16-Oct-23 | #nationalbrailleweek | |
Columbus Day in the USA 2023 | 10-Oct-23 | 10-Oct-23 | #columbusdayintheusa | |
World Mental Health Day 2023 | 10-Oct-23 | 10-Oct-23 | #worldmentalhealthday | |
World Porridge Day 2023 | 10-Oct-23 | 10-Oct-23 | #worldporridgeday | |
Animal Road Accident Awareness Day 2023 | 10-Oct-23 | 10-Oct-23 | #animalroadaccidentawarenessday | |
UK Malnutrition Awareness Week 2023 | 11-Oct-23 | 17-Oct-23 | #ukmalnutritionawarenessweek | |
International Day of the Girl Child 2023 | 11-Oct-23 | 11-Oct-23 | #internationaldayofthegirlchild | |
National Coming Out Day 2023 | 11-Oct-23 | 11-Oct-23 | #nationalcomingoutday | |
National Pet Obesity Awareness Day USA 2023 | 12-Oct-23 | 12-Oct-23 | #nationalpetobesityawarenessdayusa | |
National Fossil Day in the USA 2023 | 12-Oct-23 | 12-Oct-23 | #nationalfossildayintheusa | |
National No Bra Day 2023 | 13-Oct-23 | 13-Oct-23 | #nationalnobraday | |
International Skeptics Day 2023 | 13-Oct-23 | 13-Oct-23 | #internationalskepticsday | |
World Sight Day 2023 | 13-Oct-23 | 13-Oct-23 | #worldsightday | |
World Egg Day 2023 | 14-Oct-23 | 14-Oct-23 | #worldeggday | |
National Baking Week 2023 | 14-Oct-23 | 20-Oct-23 | #nationalbakingweek | |
Global Wave Of Light 2023 | 15-Oct-23 | 15-Oct-23 | #globalwaveoflight | |
National Latino AIDS Awareness Day 2023 | 15-Oct-23 | 15-Oct-23 | #nationallatinoaidsawarenessday | |
Family Learning Festival 2023 | 15-Oct-23 | 30-Oct-23 | #familylearningfestival | |
Global Hand Washing Day 2023 | 15-Oct-23 | 15-Oct-23 | #globalhandwashingday | |
King Harold Day 2023 | 15-Oct-23 | 15-Oct-23 | #kingharoldday | |
White Cane Safety Day 2023 | 15-Oct-23 | 15-Oct-23 | #whitecanesafetyday | |
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day 2023 | 15-Oct-23 | 15-Oct-23 | #pregnancyandinfantlossremembranceday | |
Boss's Day 2023 | 16-Oct-23 | 16-Oct-23 | #boss'sday | |
Restart A Heart Day 2023 | 16-Oct-23 | 16-Oct-23 | #restartaheartday | |
World Food Day 2023 | 16-Oct-23 | 16-Oct-23 | #worldfoodday | |
National Adoption Week 2023 | 17-Oct-23 | 23-Oct-23 | #nationaladoptionweek | |
Chocolate Week 2023 | 17-Oct-23 | 23-Oct-23 | #chocolateweek | |
International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2023 | 17-Oct-23 | 17-Oct-23 | #internationaldayfortheeradicationofpoverty | |
Epilepsy Action Virtual Tea and Cake Break 2023 | 18-Oct-23 | 18-Oct-23 | #epilepsyactionvirtualteaandcakebreak | |
Anti Slavery Day 2023 | 18-Oct-23 | 18-Oct-23 | #antislaveryday | |
SUDEP Action Day 2023 | 19-Oct-23 | 19-Oct-23 | #sudepactionday | |
World Values Day 2023 | 20-Oct-23 | 20-Oct-23 | #worldvaluesday | |
Conflict Resolution Day 2023 | 20-Oct-23 | 20-Oct-23 | #conflictresolutionday | |
World Osteoporosis Day 2023 | 20-Oct-23 | 20-Oct-23 | #worldosteoporosisday | |
International Credit Union Day 2023 | 20-Oct-23 | 20-Oct-23 | #internationalcreditunionday | |
Apple Day 2023 | 21-Oct-23 | 21-Oct-23 | #appleday | |
Wear it Pink 2023 | 21-Oct-23 | 21-Oct-23 | #wearitpink | |
Reptile Awareness Day 2023 | 21-Oct-23 | 21-Oct-23 | #reptileawarenessday | |
International Stammering /Stuttering Awareness Day 2023 | 22-Oct-23 | 22-Oct-23 | #internationalstammering/stutteringawarenessday | |
Post Polio Syndrome Day 2023 | 22-Oct-23 | 22-Oct-23 | #postpoliosyndromeday | |
Food Day in the USA 2023 | 24-Oct-23 | 24-Oct-23 | #fooddayintheusa | |
National Cheese Toastie Day 2023 | 27-Oct-23 | 27-Oct-23 | #nationalcheesetoastieday | |
Navy Day in the United States 2023 | 27-Oct-23 | 27-Oct-23 | #navydayintheunitedstates | |
National Black Cat Day 2023 | 27-Oct-23 | 27-Oct-23 | #nationalblackcatday | |
International Brain Tumour Awareness Week 2023 | 29-Oct-23 | 05-Nov-23 | #internationalbraintumourawarenessweek | |
World Online Networking Day 2023 | 29-Oct-23 | 29-Oct-23 | #worldonlinenetworkingday | |
National Cat Day 2023 | 29-Oct-23 | 29-Oct-23 | #nationalcatday | |
National Pension Tracing Day 2023 | 30-Oct-23 | 30-Oct-23 | #nationalpensiontracingday | |
Mischief Night 2023 | 30-Oct-23 | 30-Oct-23 | #mischiefnight | |
Halloween 2023 | 31-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #halloween | |
National Bug Busting Day 2023 | 31-Oct-23 | 31-Oct-23 | #nationalbugbustingday | |
Museums At Night 2023 | 31-Oct-23 | 02-Nov-23 | #museumsatnight |
☝️ UK Awareness Days October 2023 ☝️
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